An overview picture for Cairo university main campus in Giza.The university was founded on 21 December 1908, as the result of an effort to establish a national center for educational thought. Several constituent colleges preceded the establishment of the university including the College of Engineering in 1816, which was shut down by the Khedive of Egypt and Sudan, Sa'id Pasha, in 1854. Cairo University was founded, and became the prime indigenous model for other state universities. In 1928, the first group of female students enrolled at the university.



Ahmed Lutfi el-Sayed Pasha (15 January 1872 – 5 March 1963) was an Egyptian intellectual, anti-colonial activist and the first director of Cairo University. He was fondly known as the "Professor of the Generation".

"Best Performance Student” for each academic year

The student should:

  • Have the highest Weighted Total  Marks* (WTMs) for this year. (IRD courses not included)

“Best performance Student in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery” (SOD)

The student should:

  • Have the highest WTMs in Oral Pathology (BDS III), Oral Radiology (BDS IV), Oral Surgery and Local Anaesthesia (BDS IV) and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BDS V).

“Best of The Best Student”

Students legible for this award should:

  • Not failed any course through the period of his study in the Dental/Medical school (IRD courses not included)
  • Have the highest sum of Weighted Total Marks (WTMs) in all academic years. (IRD courses not included)
  • If one or more student have equal WTMs the award is given to the student wiith the higher WTMs in the final year.


N.B.1: The weighted total marks (WTMs) are the sum of the the marks in each course multipled by the number of units allocated to this course.

N.B.2: Students who won more than one award will be given only the cash prize of the highest award and certificate for the rest of the awards. The student next in ranking will be ligable for the cash award and a certificate. 

N.B.3: All the winners should not have any ethical or otherwise similar problems through the period of his study.


06.03.2015 10:22

Secretary Judy, Dean of Students Office-CHS

Thank you so much for the pyramids Awards. You made the day colourful and successful. It was quite encouraging to our students. Since you contributed generously towards the different awards.